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How to join?

Significantly improving road safety across Europe for all road users requires the mass involvement of all car manufacturers, traffic information service providers, automotive suppliers and governments. Such level of participation will be necessary to ensure the pace and critical mass of safety data required for comprehensive safety related traffic information services.

Therefore, the Data for Road Safety partners are launching a call for more stakehol­ders to join this SRTI Ecosystem and improve road safety in Europe.

New members will benefit from joining the SRTI Ecosystem ‘Data for Road Safety’ at a mature and stable stage with a robust Multi Party License and governing General Assembly in place, that structure the activities of the partnership. New members will be able to benefit from relationship building opportunities with other members and exchange of best practices with regards to SRTI data sharing and service creation.

Membership of the SRTI Ecosystem is subject to the approval of the General Assembly chair.

General Assembly

To safeguard and continue to evolve the SRTI Ecosystem, the partners have establis­hed a General Assembly. The General Assembly is an annual meeting where all partners of the Ecosystem discuss topics to:

Assess the performance of the Ecosystem;

Discuss ways on how to promote the Ecosystem to potential new partners;

Settle disputes with regards to parties’ performances;

Safeguard the founding principles of the Ecosystem;

Other actions that would benefit the Ecosystem.

Joost Vantomme, ERTICO CEO, chairs the DFRS General Assembly, co-chaired by FORD, DGT (Spain), the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and ASFINAG (Austria). To accomplish its objective, the platform has a Technical Group led by WSP (UK).

Recently, DFRS has joined forces with the National Access Point Cooperation Organisation for Europe (NAPCORE), enhancing the interoperability of mobility data across Europe.

Click on the image to download the file to see further details of the onboarding process.

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